Categories of Participation
All are welcome: Anyone affiliated with a CCT participation communion or organization is invited to be a part of CCT events, including participating in the process of consensus decision-making that takes place at our annual Forum (see bylaw section 4.1 below for details). Christian Churches Together also welcomes observers from denominations or organizations interested in exploring membership in CCT. (Interested parties can convey their intent through the use of the contact form linked above.) Besides “official observers” and “Participant representatives,” CCT also welcomes “ecumenical guests,” who share with in CCT’s mission to “bear witness to the reconciling love of Jesus.”
1. Participant Representative
A “Participant Representative” is a Steering Committee member or another individual who has been designated as such by their communion or organization.
2. Official Observer
An “Official Observer” is an individual representing a communion or organization that has had “Official Observer” status approved by the Steering Committee prior to the Forum.
3. Ecumenical Guest
An “Ecumenical Guest” is an invited speaker, consultant, representative from another ecumenical organization, or someone attending without officially representing their communion or organization.
The Rationale for these categories
CCT Bylaws, section 4.1: “Each Participant is entitled to have one representative at the Annual Meeting; provided, however, that each Participant that is a church exceeding five million members shall be entitled to have an additional representative for every five million members or fraction thereof. Each Participant shall designate as their representative(s) an individual who shall have the authority to exercise that Participant’s rights with preference for the Participant’s Chief Executive Officer or other high-ranking official. Participants shall not be limited to their designated number of representatives at meetings of Participants, but may bring additional non-voting representatives.”
If you have any questions about the categories of participation, please send your inquiry to: